Who does SOFTacademy partner with?
SOFTacademy is a collaborative effort where the contribution of every participant, including residents, is essential to make the project a success and create a new standard for the urban environment. Each partner will bring their experience and expertise to the project to achieve the best solutions and create a true community-centred renovation project.
The SOFTacademy project is packed by a diverse team of urban, research and design experts. Cooperation partners include the City of Tallinn, TalTech, NGO Elav Tänav, the Estonian Housing Association, Verte Landscape Architecture, Think Softer and many others. The City of Tallinn will support the project in terms of policy-making and public space development.
- TalTech provides technological solutions and collects data to support the renovation process.
- NGO Elav Tänav works on community engagement and community solutions.
- Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations is helping to raise awareness and participation in the renovation.
- Verte Landscape Architecture designs public spaces to make them more attractive and functional.
- Think Softer contributes to the renovation of the courtyards of the houses in the project, following the principles of the ‘soft city’.
- Yoko Oma OÜ will produce a handbook of change for cities and communities.